Some Sites We Like

  These are some other programs/blogs/organizations/websites that share our mindset about young people, are really encouraging, or just plain awesome.
  Quotes are taken from their various "About Us" pages.

  "TeenPact believes young people are really young adults—capable of enormous impact now…and later. We tell students that God wants them—all of them.  We challenge students to dream big and believe that God can use them to change America.  We ask students to step out of their “comfort zones.”  For some, that will mean doing a better job in their own family—cooperating with parents or serving brothers and sisters. For others, it may mean changing their ambitions or taking seriously God’s leading in their lives…. Students need to be challenged in a variety of areas and on a variety of issues—learning to trust in Christ all along the way.  We believe that we must prepare the next generation of political, business, and cultural leaders.  Scripture admonishes the older to train the younger, (Titus 2:3-5) and our failure to do so will have grave consequences on our country’s future.  God has important work for the next generation of believers to do—starting today."

The Rebelution/Do Hard Things:
  "The official definition of the 'rebelution' is "a teenage rebellion against low expectations." When you look around today, our culture does not expect much of us young people. We are not only expected to do very little that is wise or good, but we're expected to do the opposite. Our media-saturated youth culture is constantly reinforcing lower and lower standards and expectations."

PluggedIn Online:
  "PluggedIn has two primary directives: One is to give you, the reader, as much information as we can to help you decide whether a bit of entertainment is suitable for you or your family to consume. We don't often flat-out tell you whether to go or not, but regular readers know how to read between the lines. And they know that we're fairly cautionary in our approach. That's why so many of you come to us in the first place . . . .
The other directive is even trickier. If a reader does see a film we'd consider unhealthy, how can we help him or her think about and process what they've seen?"

Answers In Genesis (AiG):
  "Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. We also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview, and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas, and its bedfellow, a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe)."

Fourth Day Alliance:
  "The 4th Day Alliance is a non-profit religious organization dedicated to proclaiming the Glory of God through astronomy (a Creation Astronomy ministry). We accomplish this primarily by educating the public about astronomy through star parties, lectures, and seminars, and by distributing magazines, books, tracts, and astronomy articles from a Biblical creationist perspective."

Summit Ministries:
     "Summit Ministries is an educational Christian ministry whose very existence is a response to our current post-Christian culture. Today, countless Christian youth have fallen victim to the popular ideas of our modern world. Most have adopted these ideas into their own worldview, while still others go on to renounce their Christian faith altogether.
     Summit views its role in God’s kingdom as a catalyst to counteract this alarming trend. However, our ultimate goal supersedes simply training. As Christians are challenged to stand strong in their faith and defend truth, they will also be equipped to have a positive influence on the society in which they live."

More to come...

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