"The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his
marvelous craftsmanship."
Psalm 19:1
It's logical to believe in God. That's
just a plain, simple, fact. Despite what your beliefs are, your beliefs don't
declare truth. Facts and logic declare truth. What proof is there that God
exists? Here are some that will influence your thinking, or help you share with others.
The world we live in is one of the
greatest proofs for the existence of God. The very fact that the universe
exists at all points to a Creator. The most cynical scientist doesn't believe
that everything around us came from nothing. There had to be a beginning, which
then points to a Beginner (Gen1:1).
But the world wasn't just created; it was
designed. Whether you study the cosmos or the human body, you will find that
the systems, cycles, and rhythms of life operate with incredible precision and
accuracy. You will conclude, like many others (including the world's top
scientists), that all of it came from an intelligent Designer, who is powerful
and loving. Yet in spite of the evidence around us, people have done a strange
thing. They have chosen to focus on the creation rather than the Creator. And
they even claim that a God couldn't even exist. That would be like seeing a
painting, and concluding that the artist had nothing to do with it, or that the
artist didn't matter. To observe the world, our earthly home, and say that it
came from nothing and God didn't do it is ridiculous.
Something doesn't just come nothing.
This would be an insult to your intellect if such scenarios were ever insisted
upon you. Every time we look at something built by man---a house, for
example---we know it had a builder. When we see something that has design, like
a watch; artwork, like a painting; and order, like our solar system, we know
someone was responsible for them; a Designer, Artist, and orderer. So if
everything man-made has a creator, designer, artist, or orderer behind it, why
would we not think that there is a Creator, Designer, Artist, and Orderer
behind everything that's not? Wherever we see creation, design, art, or order
it's obvious that there was some intelligent force to make it happen (consider
the presidents' heads at Mt. Rushmore).
There is no evidence that there is no God.
Many people (especially atheists in this topic) think that reason is on their
side. Yet without any evidence to back up their belief, what they actually had
was blind faith---and they use that as a basis for their eternal destiny,
afterlife (which there is) or not. To believe in God, some people think it may
take blind faith. But we use calculated faith for most choices in life, and we
should do the same for our choices about the afterlife.
Logically, we know that there cannot be
an unpainted painting, an unsculpted sculpture, an undesigned design. That just
doesn't make sense. And for us to base our eternal destiny on something we know
is not reasonable makes even less sense. That'll be taking chances by basing
our eternal life on something that we know is not a fact. Atheism is blind
faith, unreasonable, and, therefore, can't be proven.
When you look at a building, you'll know
that the building itself is proof of a building. We know you don't just gather
some wires, concrete, pipes, windows, paint, etc., then turn around and look to
suddenly find a building. A building requires a builder. "The sun, moon, stars,
oceans, sand, each unique snowflake, the 3 billion pieces of your DNA that are
different from mine, are absolute proof that there had to be a Creator",
Mark Cahill, author of One Heartbeat Away, said to an atheist.
The fact that you can't see, touch,
taste, smell, or hear the builder of a skyscraper doesn't mean that such a
person doesn't exist. Amazing faith isn’t' needed to know there was a builder
of a building. Decide when you look at the evidence. The piece of evidence you
have is the work that the builder left behind. It's the same with God. The
evidence for us to view is all the evidence we'll need to know that God exists.
It makes more sense to believe that there is a God than it does to believe that
there isn't one.
Many don't want to believe in God because
they don't get satisfactory answers about God. Just because you may not have
satisfactory answers about God doesn't mean He doesn't exist. We don't need
satisfactory answers; we need truth, facts, and reasonable answers. God is not
as difficult to believe in as you may think. You might not understand Him, but
that's no excuse for saying He doesn't exist.
God is in the Small Stuff and It All Matters by Bruce (Bickel) and Stan(Jantz);
and One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill
Image by The Comma Queen
Image by The Comma Queen
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