Friday, June 21, 2013

A Friend

A quick muse on what a true friend is. In picture form, the full text of the quote is beneath the picture.

A Friend is not an Acquaintance.
A friend is not someone that you simply hang out with.
A friend is someone who grows and builds, prays and serves, loves and works,  laughs, cries,  and cheers with you, for you and about you.
A friend is very rarely someone you meet online.
And I'll be honest, true friends? I have less than a dozen.
But I'm lucky. I know people who have none.
True friends can't be defined by some quippy meme.
True friends are defined by their complete and total dependence and fellowship with each other.
Friends are those people who you can honestly say that would not only be boring, or lame, but they are the people that you would miss.
Not only in the good times.
But when you need their prayer.


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